Download a load brake 3D model for your theatre application
KEB load brakes for theatre applications are designed with the versatility to comfortably incorporate with your existing installation. There are over a thousand possible configurations to choose from. We’ve created this custom part-builder tool and load brake 3D model downloads to simplify selecting the correct brake.
Load Brake Configurator
The form is simple. First, select the flange type options. Then go down the page to select the static brake torque, coil voltage, hub bore size, and additional options for your brake. When ready, click the SUBMIT button.
The form combines your selections to create a unique brake part number. When you’re ready to speak with a KEB sales engineer, you’ll have the part number and a list of itemized selections.
You will also have the option to download a .STP file. Open .STP files with any leading CAD software to see a 3D rendering of your customized brake. Use this tool to confirm dimensions and visualize how the load brake will be implemented into an existing system.
More options are available than we can include in our online part builder. If your application requires unique configurations, contact a KEB representative. They will help you build a brake to meet your requirements.
Have additional questions? Let us know how we can help.
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