Profinet Communication Setup with a KEB Drive
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting up Profinet communication between a KEB S6 drive and a Siemens PLC. It begins with an overview of the required hardware and software, then walks you through configuring Profinet in KEB’s COMBIVIS 6 programming software. Finally, it covers how to connect to the KEB device in Siemens’ TIA Portal using the X6 GSDML file.
Important: Profinet is supported on S6 and F6 devices with control type A and P.
The following hardware and software were used in this document:
• KEB Combivis 6
• KEB S6A drive
• KEB USB to Serial Adapter
• KEB X6 GSDML file (Zip File for S6 A)
• KEB X6 GSDML file (Zip File for S6 P)
• Siemens TIA Portal v15 (download here)
• Siemens 1215C CPU
S6 Profinet Combivis Setup
This section overviews the steps to setup Profinet communication for S6 and F6 devices using Combivis 6.
1. Combivis Diagnostic Communication Setup
Connect the USB to serial communications cable to the X4A port and power up the device. Start up Combivis 6 and create a new empty project.
Select the magnifying glass on the menu to scan for devices.
Verify the serial interface you have connected and select “Start search.”
Select the device and add it to the project by clicking the “Add selected devices” button.
Important: If the device is not found, verify that the hardware connections are correct and that the device is powered on. Also, check to see if another program on your PC is currently using the desired COM port. The device will be added to the Navigator window. Double-click the device to open it in the Device editor. From here you can adjust settings of the device.
2. Fieldbus Selection
In the device editor select the “Wizards” tab and open “Fieldbus.” Set the fieldbus to Profinet from the drop down menu.
After changing the fieldbus type select the “run software reset” button to restart control board.
Important: The control must restart after changing the fieldbus type.
3. Process Data Mapping
The transit and receive process data can be setup using the Fieldbus wizard. A default data mapping or a custom data mapping can be used. The default data mapping uses the standard CiA 402 process data.
This example uses the default process data mapping. Click on the “Stored mappings” button on the lower right side of the Wizard screen and select “standard PD mapping (F6/H6/S6).”
Custom data mappings can be added by selecting the desired parameters from “Available parameters” window and dragging them onto the available transmit and recieve process data slots.
The process data mapping will update displaying the default process data in the transmit and receive PDOs. Select the two “Active PDO” checkboxes.
4. Rotary Switch Configuration
The device node ID, and Profinet device name is influenced by the rotary switches S1, and S2. The value defined by the rotary switches can be found in fb100 node ID switch value. Alternatively, the node ID can be defined by fb101 adjusted node ID value if the S1 and S2 rotary switches are set to 0. For this example, set the S1 and S2 rotary switches to 0.
Note: See the “Selection of the node address of the fieldbus system” section in the KEB Fieldbus Systems Programming Manual and ”Rotary coding switch” section in the KEB Realtime Ethernet Module manual for more information.
5. IP Configuration
To configure the IP address of the device, navigate to the device parameters and locate the fieldbus parameter group. Adjust the Profinet IP address by adjusting the Basic IP configuration fb109.
Profinet supports Combivis access over Ethernet. This allows for parameter configuration and diagnostics via an Ethernet connection instead of using the X3A diagnostic serial port. Adjust fb108 Ethernet over fieldbus IP configuration to set the IP address of the diagnostic over ethernet port.
Important: For Profinet operation, a Profinet device with 2 ports requires three MAC addresses. Each interface port uses a MAC address. The Combivis over ethernet channel uses the additional MAC address. Therefore, fb108 and fb109 must be assigned a unique IP address for Profinet communication.
6. Profinet Configuration
The Profinet device name is used by the PLC to identify the device. The PLC can be configured to set the Profinet device name or use the name defined by the device. Warning: The Profinet device name in the PLC configuration must correspond to the KEB device.
The KEB default value for the Profinet device name is defined by the device type (S6 or F6) and the value of the effective node address fb102. The node address can be configured by fb101 adjusted node ID value when the S1, and S2 rotary switches are set to 0. This example uses an S6 device and fb101 = 1. Therefore the default device name is kebs6-1. Set fb101 = 1.
Note: See the “Profinet device name” section in the KEB Fieldbus Systems Programming Manual.
7. Restart Control
The control must restart to effect adjusted parameters. Navigate to the fieldbus wizard and select the “run software reset” button.
Important: The IP address and node ID require a control reboot to become active!
S6 Profinet Siemens Setup
This section overviews the steps to setup cyclic Profinet communication for S6 and F6 devices using TIA Portal.
1. Install KEB GSDML Files
Profinet communication uses GSDML files to describe Profinet devices. A device description for KEB devices is available for download in the download area of the KEB website. To install the KEB GSDML files in the TIA Portal project, select Options -> “Manage general station description files (GSD).”
Next, enter the path of the GSDML files on your machine and select install.
2. Add KEB Device to Project
After successfully installing the KEB GSDML files, add the KEB device to the project and connect it to the PLC. Open the Devices & networks editor by double clicking on Devices & networks in the Project tree.
Next, find the desired KEB device in the TIA Hardware Catalog and drag it onto the Device & networks editor.
After adding the KEB device, create a connection by clicking on the PLC communication port and dragging the connection to the KEB communication port.
Once the connection between the PLC and KEB device has been successfully setup the KEB device Profinet settings can be configured.
3. Configure Profinet Settings
Configure the KEB device settings in the TIA Portal project by double-clicking on “Device configuration” in the Project tree under the newly added KEB device.
Define the IP address by selecting “Ethernet addresses” and enter the IP address of the KEB device.
Next, define the KEB device Profinet name.
Important: The KEB Profinet name and IP address must match fb107 and fb109!
4. Add Process Data
After defining the Profinet Settings, the process data can be modified to match the KEB device. Double-click on the KEB device node name in the Project Tree.
Next, determine the appropriate module in the Hardware Catalog with respect to the configured number of transmit and recieve PDO bytes in the KEB device. This can be found in the fieldbus wizard as shown below. Each module represents the total number of process data transmitted or received by the drive.
Note: The input module corresponds to the “Receive PDOs,” the output module corresponds to the “Transmit PDOs.” To add the modules to the KEB device double click on the desired module. If a module is already attached to the KEB device it can be deleted before adding the correct input or output module.
Important: The size of the input and output modules must match the configured KEB device! After configuring the process data the project can be compiled and downloaded to the PLC. The project is now ready to be downloaded and executed on the PLC.
Compile the PLC project and download the project to the PLC, then put the PLC into run mode. When the PLC is in run mode the status of the Profinet communication can be found in fb90 fieldbus state and f91 fieldbus error code.
Connection Complete
After you complete these steps, your Siemens PLC should successfully communicate with a KEB S6 or F6 drive. If you have any questions about how to perform this setup, please reach out to us at KEB America.
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