Product Details

COMBIVIS Studio 6 supports all 6 IEC 61131-3 programming languages including Ladder Diagram (LD), Structured Text (ST), and Function Block Diagram (FBD).

Reduce traditional development times by up to 60%. Studio 6 includes KEB’s powerful libraries which facilitate EtherCAT drive communication, Master-Follower synchronization, and Camming profiles.

Users benefit from comfortable “SmartCoding” with tools for declaration, error diagnosis, debugging and online data analysis.

Intuitive start-up assistants, digital 16-channel oscilloscope, tools for data backup and recovery, and extensive expert tweaks for optimised fine tuning of systems, complete the engineering software from the development of automation to after-sales service.

Protect your proprietary code by encrypting source code

Watch the video for the difference between COMBIVIS 6 and COMBIVIS Studio 6


1. Cables to Connect

This video will step you through the types of cables you can use to connect a KEB device to COMBIVIS 6 software.

2. Connecting a device to a New Project

This video shows how to connect a KEB F5 VFD, inverter or other device to Combivis 6 automation software.

3. Navigation and Editing Parameter Values

See how to navigate Combivis 6 automation software after connecting to a KEB F5 device and how to set parameters with the inverter or keypad operator. This video uses a KEB F5 VFD, but the steps also apply to other devices.

4. Saving Projects and Parameter Lists

This Combivis 6 automation software tutorial shows how to save projects and create parameter lists.

5. Setting Up and Saving Online Scopes

This video shows you how to create and save online scopes in KEB’s Combivis 6 automation software. This is part of a video tutorial series from KEB America designed educate users on the basics of Combivis 6.

6a. How to Download Parameters to KEB device

Using KEB Combivis 6 software you can program a VFD from a saved file on your computer. Before you download parameters to the drive make sure the drive is disabled and there are no active inputs. Find the previously saved parameter list and go through the steps to download it to the drive. If the parameter download is successful and there are no errors you can proceed to enable the drive and use the system as designed.

6b. How to Upload Parameters from a KEB Device to COMBIVIS 6

This is how to save parameters from a KEB device to a file on your computer. Using KEB Combivis 6 software you can upload a VFD parameter list to your computer.

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